Fordson High School

Class News

Student Access Resolved

Good news. The issue with student access has been resolved. Students can once again sign in and continue learning.

Student email and account access

We are aware of an issue involving student email and accounts. This means that students may not be able to access their email, Clever, MobyMax, etc. We are working on a resolution. We hope to have access restored quickly.

Child Protection Registry

Are your children safe while online? Michigan families, especially minors, are becoming inundated with advertisements from alcohol, tobacco, pornography, illegal drug and gambling marketers through different internet and cell phone inboxes. Texting their...

Parent/Guardian Presentation

Special Education is hosting a free educational presentation on depression, anxiety, psychosis for parents/guardians of teens.  Please click on this link for a flier with more information.

Bulletin 11/6/17

  STUDENT DAILY BULLETIN  November 6, 2017 THOUGHT OF THE DAY I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious. Albert Einstein   SAT word of the day: - Equivocate- “e-kwiv-e-kate”: Definition: Not taking a clear stand or purposely using unclear language to...

Important message to FHS parents

November 1, 2017 Greetings, Although social media may have the advantage of being the first place a story is told it isn’t always the place where the most accurate story is told.  I would like to take a moment to provide you with information regarding a message...