Fordson High School

Class News

Seniors Head Shots

Seniors: Head shots are due November 16th, to C203-Mrs.Kubitz, no exceptions. New this year, Baby photos will be placed next to your senior head shot for $10, get yours in by December 7th to C203, hard copy or electronic.

Young Entrepreneurs Academy

Groundbreaking Program The Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) is a groundbreaking and exciting program that transforms local middle and high school students into real, confident entrepreneurs. Through the year-long program, students in grades 6-12 generate business...

Application for Student Advisory Council

Are you passionate about improving your school's climate and culture? Do you believe in positive leadership, activism and making a difference? If you answered yes to both questions, you should apply to become a member of the Superintendent's Student Advisory Council...

Dearborn offers Free Lunch and Breakfast to All Students

Dearborn Schools Offering Free Lunch, Breakfast To All Students -All students except preschool now eligible for free meals under special federal guidelines Dearborn Public Schools is expanding its free lunch programs to all students, regardless of family income. The...

2018-2019 Legal Announcements

2018-19 Legal Announcements Now Available The law requires the Dearborn Public Schools to provide parents or guardians a set of legal announcements containing information on laws pertaining to students and parents. All parents and guardians are encouraged to take a...

Greetings, In the ongoing effort to provide our community with accurate and updated information, I would like to share with everyone details about a story that was reported on Friday, September 7, 2018, WDIV, Channel 4.   A sixteen-year-old Fordson student had met at...

Daily Bulletin

The Daily Bulletin is now located in its own section.  Please look at the top of the Blog page for the Daily Bulletin tab and click to access them.

Office of the Superintendent                                             August 30, 2018 Greetings, The School District is aware of a video that an employee produced outside of school and the video has been posted on social media. The staff member was immediately...