This is a great leadership opportunity open to ALL students! The team will meet from 10:30-12:30 monthly and It will require that you have time to lead district wide initiatives such as the MLK day activities and initiatives in your home school. Students interested...
Class News
COVID 19 Mitigation Information for Parents
Dear Parents, As students return to daily in-school instruction, our school will be following the district's plan to use a multi-layered approach to protect students, staff and families and to avoid as much as possible any disruptions to the school year. The District...
Updated School Threat Letter From Kym Worthy
Prosecutor Worthy School Threat Letter 2021 (English)Download Prosecutor Worthy School Threat Letter 2021 (Arabic)Download Prosecutor Worthy School Threat Letter 2021 (Spanish)Download Prosecutor Worthy School Threat Letter 2021 (Bengali)Download Prosecutor Worthy...
Fordson Summer School Program
The Fordson Summer School Program will return to the building for regular operating hours.
Covid Vaccine Clinic at William Ford
William Ford Elementary will host a vaccine clinic next Thursday (6-17-2021) from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Please click on the link below for more information.
Fordson High School Graduation 2021
Click the link below to access the 2021 Fordson High School graduation ceremony. Fordson High School Graduation 2021
Summer Work for AP classes
AP Psych: AP Lang: APUSH: APLit:...
2021 AP Chem Summer Homework. 1) In the URL below you will find a document with links to the assigned work, textbook, workbook, and tutorial videos . 2) Please attend a Zoom...
June 8 is deadline to transfer into online learning for next year
June 8 is deadline to transfer into online learning for next year Are you ready (maybe more than ready) for your child to start the new school year in full-time face-to-face classes? Us too! If you think online only-learning is the better fit for your child and...
Letter to the Community regarding Mask Requirements in Dearborn Public Schools
Office of Superintendent Students First: Inspire, Educate, Celebrate May 17, 2021 Greetings, The most recent recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has loosened mask wearing requirements for those who have been vaccinated. These...