Fordson High School

Dual Enrollment Students Letter

August 27, 2020

To all Dual Enrolled Students:

Greetings, and welcome to an exciting new year of learning at your high school and at Henry Ford College.

The pandemic has forced us to rethink what is “normal”.  We realize the changes in the high school remote schedule has created some conflicts with the traditional scheduling of dual enrollment and high school classes.  Rest assured that every staff member at Dearborn schools and every instructor and staff at Henry Ford college, is working diligently to make sure that you will have the best learning experience this Fall and beyond.

During the remote start of Dearborn, the high school schedule has changed and your day begins at 8:15 am and ends at 3:10 pm and includes synchronous learning (live lessons) in the afternoon. For some of you, this created a conflict between your high school classes and your college classes. We are aware of the problem and are working collaboratively to ensure that your learning will not be interrupted. If you have a dual enrollment class that interferes with your college class,

1.      Read your syllabus very carefully. You should have received your class syllabus by now. Some instructors do not offer any synchronous learning. Instead you are just required to login to Moodle room and complete your assignments. Instructors that offer synchronous learning require it only for one day a week for classes that meet twice or three days a week. Therefore, we ask that you read your syllabus carefully and communicate with both your college instructor and your high school teacher about any conflict that might arise.

2.      Most high school and college lectures will be recorded. You will be able to view later. Attendance varies across the college classes. Therefore, it is imperative that you read your class syllabus very carefully and communicate with the appropriate staff member.

3.      We expect that each student will be proactive and communicate via email with instructors, teachers and counselors. We expect that each student will be proactive and communicate via email with instructors, teachers and counselors.  It is imperative that this communication is early and prior to any absence so our staff can work to accommodate.   Please note:  college instructors will NOT reschedule tests/exams. Again, read your class syllabus and communicate accordingly.

We have asked all staff, faculty and instructors at Dearborn Public Schools and Henry Ford College to be flexible and understanding during these most difficult of times. Flexibility and empathy must be exercised by all.

If you have questions, concerns or issues you cannot resolve, please feel free to contact me at / 313.317.1584 


Majed K. Fadlallah

Director of the Early Middle Colleges, 

Dual Enrollment, and College Partnerships