Fordson High School

Fordson High School Soft Lockdown

Greetings Fordson Community,

For a brief time on Wednesday morning Fordson High School was placed on a soft lockdown due to a police situation in the area of the school.  The situation had nothing to do with Fordson and at no time were any staff or students in any danger. The police were able to quickly resolve the situation and the school returned to normal operation.     

A softlock down is done to secure the building and prevent anyone from entering or leaving the school. Please click on this link for more information and definitions of a lockdown.   Like today’s soft lockdown, the action is usually done on the recommendation of law enforcement who are addressing a situation in the immediate area of the school.  It is a precautionary measure done to maintain the safety of our building.     

We are very fortunate to have a great relationship with local police and value that partnership.  Their communication with our school is another way we provide the very best and safest learning environment for our students. 

Thank you,

Heyam Alcodray
