The Dearborn Public Schools Art department is hosting its 29th annual Empty Bowls meal on Monday, November 22, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at Park Place Banquet Hall, 23400 Park Street, Dearborn.
For a minimum suggested $5 donation, guests who attend this family-friendly dinner may select a one-of-a-kind handmade bowl and enjoy a serving of tasty soup and bread. The bowls are made by students in kindergarten through high school who attend Dearborn Public Schools.
Donations will support Gleaners Food Bank and Blessings in a Backpack, local charities that help feed the hungry. Guests can take their bowls home as a reminder of all those who go hungry each day.
“This community service learning project is a win-win-win. Empty Bowls allows art teachers and their students to create bowls to raise money. It involves the community, which donates items and attends the event, and it provides more than $3,000 each year to local charities to help those in need. The Art Department is very proud of the continued success of Empty Bowls,” said Susan Briggs, the district’s Art Resource Teacher, who helps coordinate the event.
A variety of soups will be available, including vegetarian and gluten free options, at this simple meal of soup and bread to fight hunger. A tin can raffle will also be held.
No reservations are required, but those who arrive early will see all of the unique bowls made and donated by students and teachers in the Dearborn Public Schools.
The annual Empty Bowls event is hosted by the Dearborn Public Schools Art Department and Park Place Banquets & Catering. Empty Bowls events are held around the world as part of a grassroots movement by artists and craftspeople to care for and feed the hungry in communities.