Fordson High School


In the ongoing effort to provide our community with accurate and updated information, I would like to share with everyone details about a story that was reported on Friday, September 7, 2018, WDIV, Channel 4.  

A sixteen-year-old Fordson student had met at a twenty-two year old male online. The male attempted to make contact with the student by gaining entry into Fordson during dismissal time.  He met the student in the school and made inappropriate contact with her. She immediately walked away from him and reported the incident to the School Resource Officer (SRO). The male was later arrested by Dearborn Police.

We are very fortunate that this isolated incident did not result in any further harm coming to the student. As reported on channel 4, the male appeared in court and faces several criminal charges.

I want to thank the Dearborn Police and our School Resource Officer for their swift action. Once again, we are very fortunate to have a great partnership with the Dearborn Police.

Although our school locks all doors during the day, has an electronic system that only allows entry into the building after proper identification, and we have an SRO and several security guards who do an outstanding job of keeping our school a safe and secure building…this incident reminds all of us that the safety and security of our community is a responsibility that requires all of our attention.  

This incident can also be used by parents to start a conversation with their children about the proper and safe use of social media.  Again, I want to emphasis that keeping our school, neighborhood, and community a safe place is a task that requires all of us working together as one team, one school, one community.  



Heyam Alcodray


Fordson High School