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Dr. Glen Maleyko / Student Support
Greetings The hardship, tragedy, and loss of human life as a result of war and conflict has a devastating emotional impact on all of us. I want to assure our parents that our schools are always ready to support the emotional wellbeing of our students, especially...
Reminder on when to keep a sick child home from school
Germs seem to come in waves, and Dearborn Public Schools, like most of Michigan, has seen an increase lately in a variety of infections being passed around. So it seemed a good time to remind families about our handy When To Keep Your Child Home from School...
The American Association of University Women-Dearborn Branch 70th Used Book and Media Sale
The American Association of University Women-Dearborn Branch 70th Used Book and Media Sale is only one week away! Visit our sale from Thursday-Saturday, October 5-7, 2023 at the Dearborn Ice Skating Center 14900 Ford Rd. Dearborn, MI 48126 Come for the magic! Over...
Fordson High School Link Crew and PBIS Fundraiser: YOUR NAME IN LIGHTS!!! For only $10 you can support our Link Crew and PBIS programs and have someone’s name displayed on Fordson’s electronic sign on the front lawn. Want to wish someone a Happy Birthday? Want...
High school students – your voice can make a difference
Now in its eighth year, the 23-24 Superintendent Student Advisory Committee (SSAC) is seeking high school students interested in being a part of this important group and sharing the student voice. Applications to be a part of...
Superintendent Student Advisory Committee (SSAC) Application 2023-24
The SSAC is a student driven committee which requires members to take an active role in setting meeting agendas, addressing issues relevant to their school and community and to most importantly be a voice for all students in their school. This requires that members...
Dearborn PTA Council picnic on Sunday
Dearborn PTA Council is holding a back-to-school picnic on Sunday, Aug. 27 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Ford Field Park. PTA members and their students are invited to this free event.See the picnic flyer.
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