June 8 is deadline to transfer into online learning for next year Are you ready (maybe more than ready) for your child to start the new school year in full-time face-to-face classes? Us too! If you think online only-learning is the better fit for your child and...
District Calendar
Official Calendars
Parent Connect
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student Portal
Student links and resources.
Letter to the Community regarding Mask Requirements in Dearborn Public Schools
Office of Superintendent Students First: Inspire, Educate, Celebrate May 17, 2021 Greetings, The most recent recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has loosened mask wearing requirements for those who have been vaccinated. These...

Dearborn Public Schools City Wide Student Art Show 20-21
Greetings! The Dearborn Public Schools' Art Department would like to invite you to view the 2020-2021 Student Art Show! This amazing body of artwork was created by students mostly while they were working from home and being taught virtually by Dearborn's outstanding...

Ramadan Family Cook Along
Click below to register for this event Ramadan-Family-Cook-Along-April-29th-2021-2Download
SORA Online and Audio Books
The district has purchased SORA for the school libraries to use, this app gives us access to many ebooks and audiobooks using our school username and password. The video below will show you how to get access to SORA from a computer. You can also download the SORA...
COVID-19 Case Identification (4/19/2)
DATE: April 19, 2021 TO: Staff of Fordson High School FROM: Heyam Alcodray, Principal RE: COVID-19 Case Identification A confirmed case of coronavirus (Covid-19) has been identified at school. We are working closely with Wayne County Health Department to...
COVID-19 Case Identification (4/16/21)
DATE: April 16, 2021 TO: Staff and Families of Fordson High School FROM: Heyam Alcodray, Principal RE: COVID-19 Case Identification A confirmed case of coronavirus (Covid-19) has been identified involving a sports team. We are working closely with Wayne...
Available Vaccine Appointments:
Parents and students 16 or older, if you are interested in receiving a COVID vaccination, we still have slots available on April 16 at the Detroit Medical Center. Find the registration link and more information on our First Bell site.
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