Academy Club Roster 2021-2022

Download a presentation in either Arabic or English about the academies.
Business and Community Partner Registration Form
Fall 2019 Legacy Magazine write-up about our Academies:
On Tuesday October 22, 35 Fordson High School students were able to visit the 19th District Court to observe the court in action, to tour the courtroom and chambers and to participate in a question and answer session with Judge Hunt, Judge Salamey and Judge Somers.
On Friday Oct. 18th 75 Fordson Students and 5 staff chaperones visited Henry Ford Health Systems main campus downtown to learn about all of the different opportunities that exist within the healthcare field as tour parts of their facility.
Visit on Sept. 18, 2019 to Novi School District
Career Academy Article, June 2019
On May 22nd with the help from the Zeal Credit Union and other volunteers the students were involved in our first annual Reality Fair with a focus on financial responsibility. We are hoping to offer this again in the upcoming year to both semesters Economics classes.
On May 8th -10th 410 of our Seniors participated in our first annual Senior Mock Interview Days. The event was a great success and we look forward to hosting this event next year.
- Senior Mock Interviews 2019 Fordson High School