Dear Parents and Graduates,The closing of the schools has impacted our graduation ceremonies for the class of 2020 and is requiring us to look at alternative options to celebrate a life-long accomplishment for these graduates.We are seeking your input to ensure that...
Zainah Tiba
Attention Seniors! Date Changed!!! Saturday May 16th
To the parents and guardians of all 12th graders and their student Seniors and Parents, please mark your calendars for the Senior Drive-Thru Event that is on Saturday, May 16 from 1:00 pm to 5:00pm. You will pick up your caps and gowns, free lawn sign, free...
League of Women Voters
Click the link below to get a presentation of the importance of voting and how to register online

Superintendent Message 4-24
Chromebook Distribution
Chromebook distribution will take place on Monday April 27 and Tuesday April 28 near the teacher parking lot and food distribution area off of Horger from 12 to 3pm on each day.

Remote Learning Plan –
Please see the attached files for information about the Remote Learning Plan and expectations for parents, students and the high school.
Message from Mrs. Alcodray
Student Distance Learning Plan

Virtual Poetry Slam
Dual Enrollment courses
Dual enrollment courses are now online. Tutoring is available through Henry Ford College. If you are struggling in your college course(s), you may contact the HFCE Learning Lab for assistance. The link is: