Zainah Tiba

2nd Week Schedule
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRJ-_kMSfhE&feature=youtu.be 2nd Week Schedule Last week you received 3 emails each day from your teachers. You must respond to each email if you have not already. Your daily schedule will consist of three hours in...

Drive-through book bag giveaway: Sat., Sept. 5
Event Date: Sat, 09/05/2020 - 2:00 pm Location: HFC main campus To our Dearborn-area community: If your students need school supplies to start the school year, join us on Saturday, Sept. 5, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. for our Back to School Book Bag Giveaway. FREE...
1st Week Schedule
Schedule for the 1st Week of School Monday, August 31: Read your emails and respond to teachers’ requests or complete their tasks. If you need a chromebook, pick up is at the gym door 12-2:00pm. Tuesday, September 1: Read your emails and respond to...
A/B Day Schedule through Oct. 9
September/October 2020SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday3112345Hours 1,2,38:15-11:10Hours 4,5,68:15-11:10Resource Pick...
Additional Opening Week Information
Dear Fordson Families: The start of the year is here! We are excited about the new school year and we are going to do our best to ensure we continue to provide you with an excellent education. We are happy to let you know that all teachers will be using the same...
Dual Enrollment Students Letter
August 27, 2020 To all Dual Enrolled Students: Greetings, and welcome to an exciting new year of learning at your high school and at Henry Ford College. The pandemic has forced us to rethink what is “normal”. We realize the changes in the high school remote...

Back to School Drive Thru
.The Drive Thru is scheduled for Monday, August 31st, 2020 from 12pm-5pm. The Back to School Drive Thru Bash will be providing: free backpacks, school supplies, sporting goods, food packages (20 pounds worth of food), lunch for families, oral hygiene kits, giveaways...
School Opening Procedures
Dear Fordson Families:Here are the opening procedures, calendar, daily schedule, policies, etc. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PvVdhKILlZjdxGNcOzFVNEsk9_k_duzWBbz2pYMAf_A/edit# Dearborn Student Learning Online, Chromebook Care / Usage...
Hello Students!Hope you and your family are doing well! We miss you and are looking forward to the new school year. As you know, we will all begin the school year online. Therefore, it is required that every student has a chromebook in order to...