DTE Summer Student Program applications run Dec. 1 to Feb. 29Do you know an amazing college student or college-bound high school senior looking for meaningful, hands-on work experience next summer? Let them know we'll be accepting applications for our Summer Student...
Zainah Tiba

Beaumont Student Heart Check
BRICS BONDELECTION DAY IS Tuesday, November 5th Please remember to Vote on Tuesday If you can’t make it to the polls on Tuesday, November 5th new laws allow you to vote at the City Clerk’s office before Election Day. This Saturday (November 2) any...
Prosecutor Worthy’s School Threat Letter
Many of your local law enforcement officials have requested that Prosecutor Worthy disseminate an updated version of the School Threat letter that was sent to your school districts last year in an effort to address county-wide incidents of school threats and violence....
School Improvement Plan visits
The School Improvement visits for the 2019-20 If you wish to participate, complete the form and you will receive a call and email with the building location approximately one hour prior to the start of the visit. Due to the nature of the unannounced visits, we...
Fordson Gear for Sale through Sept. 23rd, 2019
Flyer-Gear-2019-2Download Gear-2019-1Download
Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SSAC) & Superintendent’s/Executive Directors’ Student Advisory Council (SEDSAC) Application 2019-20
We are celebrating 5 years of SSAC and 3 years of SEDSAC. Student voice has been the driving force behind both councils because Dr. Maleyko welcomes the diverse student voices that represent our school district. Are you that student who wants to get involved but...
Breakfast/Lunch Programs
Dear Principals, On behalf of SFE, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve alongside you. In preparation for the new school year, I also would like to introduce myself and tell you about our exciting, new breakfast and lunch programs with...
June 2019
U of M-Dearborn visited FHS and interviewed us about our academy model. https://umdearborn.edu/news/all-news/articles/there-better-way-prepare-students-life-after-high-school
Community Survey
Dearborn Public Schools Strategic Planning - Community Survey Welcome to the Dearborn Public Schools Strategic Planning Survey The Dearborn Public Schools Steering Committee is updating its Strategic Plan to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of our schools...