AP Psych: https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/mrsayoub/ap-psychology/ AP Lang: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fJ2Wip0QR81rb9oDYHnuPXULgRtH8wwAig3V-O6fP2c/edit?usp=sharing APUSH: https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/mrsayoub/ap-us-history/ APLit:...
Zainah Tiba
2021 AP Chem Summer Homework. 1) In the URL below you will find a document with links to the assigned work, textbook, workbook, and tutorial videos .https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Frv6YzoWwPBiHApFJ9DCpPBd1ZJtEmPkszYn3BZgj3g/edit 2) Please attend a Zoom...
SORA Online and Audio Books
The district has purchased SORA for the school libraries to use, this app gives us access to many ebooks and audiobooks using our school username and password. The video below will show you how to get access to SORA from a computer. You can also download the SORA...

March Calendar

Screening tool for students
Please use this screening tool everyday that your child comes to school. This will guide you in knowing if your child is symptomatic for Covid-19 and whether they should be sent to school. It is very important that if you child exhibits any of these symptoms they...
SORA E-books
Mrs. Alward from EFHS has made a video showing how to use the new resource we have for you to get books to read. Please feel free to use SORA and if you have any suggestions of additional titles that we should have contact me at hmayedn@dearbornschools.org and I will...
Fordson Gear
City of Dearborn Rent Assistance Program, Application Opens Monday
Low-to-moderate income Dearborn residents unable to pay their rent, mortgage or utilities due to the financial impact of COVID-19 can apply beginning Monday, Jan. 18 to receive up to $5,000 to cover up to six months’ worth of bills through a new grant program offered...
Covid Safety Video

How to apply to college webinar
Sign up for FREE college prep seminar offered by Harvard Alumnus on Jan-16 from 10am-1pm: www.ivyuniversityprep.com/college-seminar.