Bridget Patrick

WSJ Safety Letter Response February 2024
February 4, 2024 Greetings Parents and Guardians, Many of you are aware of an opinion article that appeared this weekend in the Wall Street Journal. The editorial grossly misrepresented our community and the proud people who live and work in Dearborn. I’m...

Safety Message 10-25-23
Click on the links below to access "SAFE BOX" and "OK 2 SAY" SAFE BOX OKAY 2 SAY SAFE BOX OKAY 2 SAY
Dr. Glen Maleyko / Student Support
Greetings The hardship, tragedy, and loss of human life as a result of war and conflict has a devastating emotional impact on all of us. I want to assure our parents that our schools are always ready to support the emotional wellbeing of our students, especially...

The American Association of University Women-Dearborn Branch 70th Used Book and Media Sale
The American Association of University Women-Dearborn Branch 70th Used Book and Media Sale is only one week away! Visit our sale from Thursday-Saturday, October 5-7, 2023 at the Dearborn Ice Skating Center 14900 Ford Rd. Dearborn, MI 48126 Come for the magic! Over...
Fordson High School Link Crew and PBIS Fundraiser: YOUR NAME IN LIGHTS!!! For only $10 you can support our Link Crew and PBIS programs and have someone’s name displayed on Fordson’s electronic sign on the front lawn. Want to wish someone a Happy Birthday? Want...
Superintendent Student Advisory Committee (SSAC) Application 2023-24
The SSAC is a student driven committee which requires members to take an active role in setting meeting agendas, addressing issues relevant to their school and community and to most importantly be a voice for all students in their school. This requires that members...

CRSD Summer Slam Tournament 6-24-23

Fordson’s Final Concert for Semester 2, 2023
The FHS Music Department will be hosting our final concert of the year this Wednesday, May 24, 2023 in the auditorium at Fordson High School. This will be a combined concert with the Fordson Choir and Orchestra. Families of the participants will be allowed in for free...
Fordson Lockdown 5-22-23
May 22, 2023 Dear Fordson Community, I would like to provide accurate information and dispel any rumors being circulated on social media regarding a lockdown that occurred today at our school. There was no threat made toward Fordson High School...