Hello Parents and Students,
Hope you are doing well. Our teachers have been contacting and inviting students to Zoom meetings during the morning asychronous learning time. The purpose of these meetings is to help students. Please encourage your students to read their emails each day and to attend the virtual meetings with their teachers. Beginning next week, teachers will also be inviting students to attend learning labs at Fordson as well as online. Again, students should be reading their emails from teachers.
For the upcoming week only, the schedule is going change due to Count Day. Students’ independent “asynchronous” time will remain the same; they should be up in the morning and checking into Schoology every morning for their work and chances to meet with teachers if needed.
During the Zoom “synchronous” time, students will be meeting with all SIX their classes for 25 minutes each Monday through Thursday. On Friday, students will be meeting with all of their classes for 25 minutes each during the morning half-day time. Please make sure your child follows the schedule below for all of next week. Students should log into Schoology to find their Zoom links for all of these class sessions.
If you have any questions, please email me. Take care.
Heyam Alcodray, Principal
Arabic Schedule: