Fordson High School

FHS Addresses Recent Concerns

Greetings Fordson Community,

For anyone who has had the opportunity to visit Fordson High School you know first hand how much of a treasure this school is to our community. From the Pewabic tile pool, grand theater, and of course the magnificent library the rich history of the school is visible at every turn.  Even those who simply drive by the school take notice of it’s exquisite architecture.  However, like any building that is more than 90 years old, this treasured jewel  of our community can also show its age and flaws. 

Over the years, the District has committed money and resources to maintain and improve Fordson High School. The 2019 Bond proposal included hundreds of thousands of dollars to update many aspects of our school. Although that bond fell short of approval by 400 votes, the District has still committed funds to address some of the more critical concerns such as roof repairs to fix small problems before they become bigger issues.   

We share this background information to provide a broader perspective on a recent concern being talked about in the community about the boys restrooms at Fordson. This too, is an item that is being addressed and we hope to have the situation resolved very soon.  We are committed to providing our students with the very best learning environment where all students can feel safe and comfortable when attending school.  

Have a safe and relaxing Mid-Winter break. We look forward to welcoming all of our students back on Wednesday, February 23rd.