Office of the Superintendent
January 1, 2022
Happy New Year 2022 to our entire school community! I hope you and your family had a great holiday break. On behalf of Dearborn Public Schools I send positive wishes for an outstanding year ahead. I also want to take the opportunity to welcome everyone back to school. As planned, we will implement in person instruction on Monday, January 3, 2022.
Our district administrative leadership team has been, and is, in constant communication. In addition to our regularly scheduled meetings we met on December 31st, plan to meet on Sunday, January 2nd, and, as necessary, will be meeting throughout the weekend to finalize preparations for a return to in person learning on January 3rd. Our school level COVID 19 data was going down the two weeks prior to the break. We are aware of community data and hospitalization rates and will continue to monitor all data sets. Once we return, we will also continue to monitor daily covid rates in schools as we have done throughout the pandemic.
Over the past twenty-two months we have learned that living with COVID means that everything is subject to change so we all need to be ready to adapt as necessary. We continue to implement our proactive approach by preparing for any potential challenges that lie ahead including being ready to to move to on-line instruction, if necessary, at any point in time. The decision to potentially change to online learning is based on COVID 19 infection rates at the classroom or grade level, then at the school level, and as a last resort the district level if necessary. This does not mean that it is certain the district will move to online learning but we need to be prepared to do so if needed. I would also suggest that families prepare and make plans to accommodate their personal needs if their child’s classroom, grade, or school were to move to an on-line learning situation.
Please remember, we are a big district and although a certain classroom or school may have cases of COVID there are numerous classrooms and schools that will have zero or very few cases. Moving the entire district to online learning is a decision that impacts thousands of families, affects the social/emotional wellbeing of our students, and does not provide the best method for delivering instruction. As always, it is a parent’s personal choice to keep their child home.
As we have done throughout the pandemic we will continue to implement COVID mitigation protocols which include but are not limited to the following protocols in alignment with the letter from Dr. Rice and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Click here to view the letter.
- Run vaccine clinics in schools. We advise all staff and students to get vaccinated and boosted when eligible.
- Increase our testing capability. We already have the ability to implement rapid tests in cooperation with the County and State Health Departments.
- Execute mitigation protocols like wearing masks, sanitization, thorough cleaning and social distancing where possible.
- Limit large gatherings and postpone large scale pre-planned events.
- Limit the number of spectators at athletic events.
- Apply for enrollment in the COVID 19 backpack testing program that is being implemented by the state where we will send rapid tests home with students.
- Comply with the staff Vaccine/testing mandate that was implemented by the Federal Government. We have well over 2,000 staff that have submitted vaccine cards to-date and we expect more in the upcoming weeks. (That represents over 75% of our total full and part time staff)
In addition, if students have symptoms please keep your child home.
- Here is a link to a document regarding when to keep your student/child home.
- Here is a COVID 19 screen tool for students, parents and staff who are planning to enter a school building.
Getting tested is also a good idea if you exhibit symptoms, have been exposed to someone with the virus, or if you have been with groups of people over the holidays and/or traveled. Here is a link to locations where free testing in Dearborn and the local area is currently available. I know that there may be more available throughout the community.
- Center for
- Wayne County Health Department Testing sites.
- Local Urgent Care Locations, Physician Offices and Pharmacies.
We will continue to balance the health and safety of our students, staff and the school community as the number one priority along with the need for in person instruction to support student learning and social/emotional needs. I am grateful that the school community had an opportunity to get some rest over the holiday break, but also very aware that we are all tired of the pandemic. However, we are also a very resilient community and I am confident that if we do what is necessary, which includes getting vaccinated, we can expect a great year in 2022.
Happy New Year Everyone!!!! I wish you and your loved ones all the best. Click Here to view a one minute message New Year wish.

Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools