With COVID case rates high in Dearborn (including outer Wayne County), Dearborn Public Schools wants to remind parents that any child age 5 or older is now eligible to be vaccinated and that the district is hosting a Vaccination clinic, Saturday, January 8, 2022 from 10am to 4pm at Lindbergh Elementary.
- Saturday, Jan. 8 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Lindbergh Elementary, 500 W. Waverly St., Dearborn. The second dose will be given on Jan. 29. See the Lindbergh flyer in English and Arabic.
All of the clinics are being conducted with C-ASIST. Rapid and PCR COVID tests will also be available at each site. Flu shots will also be offered as will Pfizer and Moderna COVID boosters for any adult. Boosters are now available for any adult age 18 or older if it has been at least six months since their second dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine or at least two months since they received a Johnson and Johnson vaccine.
At the Dearborn Public Schools clinics, Pfizer vaccines will be given to anyone age 5 or older. Moderna vaccines will only be available as booster shots for adults. Boosters can be a different shot than the vaccine the adult originally received.
Anyone who receives a COVID vaccine or booster at one of the clinics will be eligible for a $20 gift card.
Children and adults can receive the COVID vaccination or booster at any of the five school locations. The child does not need to attend that school.
In early November, the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control approved administering the Pfizer vaccine for children as young as 5. Dearborn Public Schools has hosted several vaccine clinics since the shots were first available to our oldest high school students in the spring and then again after eligibility was lowered to age 11. These are the first clinics the district has hosted since the age limit was lowered to 5 years old.
“We have encouraged those who are eligible to get the COVID vaccine since the first shots became available a year ago,” said Superintendent Glenn Maleyko. “Now that the vast majority of our students are eligible for the vaccine, we are glad to offer these clinics to reduce the risk to our students, their families and our community and to help ensure our students can stay in school.”