Fordson High School

Summer Reading with List

According to Johns Hopkins University, the effects of summer learning loss can result in nearly a three-month loss in grade-level equivalency in math and a two-month loss in grade-level equivalency in reading. 

 As a result of the school shut down, estimates suggest students will return in the fall 2020 with roughly 70% of the learning gains in reading relative to a typical school year.  However in mathematics, students are likely to show much smaller learning gains and in some grades, nearly a full year behind what we would observe in normal conditions. In order to close the summer learning loss gap in reading and math, students should be reading on a daily basis and or completing math activities. Below are recommended reading list/activities.  

Goal 1200+

At Fordson High School it is the goal that every student graduate with a Lexile reading level of 1200 or higher. The best way to improve reading is to read more. This summer as we reconnect with family and friends, don’t forget to take some time to read. If you don’t already have a library card, now is the perfect time to register for one. If you already have a library card, explore the amazing digital offerings and summer programing through the public library. You may not know it, but the Fordson Library’s catalogue is available online too! You can start adding to your “to be read” stacks now and check out the books when we are back to school at the end of summer. 

Our school-wide goal is 1200+ by graduation. Reading at that level prepares everyone for the world after high school!  All careers require a minimum Lexile level of 1200.

In the fall, all Fordson students will take the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) to determine their Lexile level. This is an opportunity to learn about your current reading level and set personal goals to reach 1200+! At Fordson we want every student to be successful and grow as readers each year!

Library Cards

Dearborn Public Library has set up a way for residents of Dearborn/Dearborn Heights to remotely register for temporary Dearborn Public Library cards.  These cards will allow access to all Dearborn Public Library electronic materials. Instructions and highlights of available eResources are available through the following link:

Plan Your Future Reading – Access the Fordson Library Online

Use this link to find books and availability at the Fordson Library:

Have you ever struggled to find your next read? 

Story Time Teen is a site with a Book Rec Generator to help match readers with a young adult book they’ll love in 60 seconds or less. It’s like having an entire library at your fingertips. And, best of all, it’s a completely free way to fall in love with reading all over again. The book lists are also curated by teens! Give it a try:

Thank you so much for supporting your child’s development through summer learning.

أولياء الأمور و الأوصياء الأعزاء:

بناءً على دراسة لجامعة جون هوبكنز إن  الانقطاع عن الدراسة خلال الصيف  قد يسفر عن تراجع الطالب بما يعادل فترة زمنية قد تصل إلى الثلاثة  أشهر تقريبا من فترة الدراسة العادية في مادة الرياضيات، و الشهرين في مادة القراءة. تشير التوقعات أنه نتيجة لإغلاق المدارس سيعود الطلاب إلى المدارس في خريف  العام الدراسي ٢٠٢٠  بنسبة ٧٠ % فقط مهارات القراءة مقارنة بالمستوى الذين قد يصلون إليه خلال السنة الدراسية النموذجية / الإعتيادية. بينما من المرجح أن يظهر الطلاب نسبة تطور أقل في مهارات الرياضيات وفي  بعض الصفوف ما يقارب من تأخر سنة دراسية كاملة عما نشهده في الأحوال الدراسية العادية.   التخلص من هذه الفجوة التعليمية التي من الممكن أن تنشأ عن حلول فصل الصيف في القراءة والرياضيات، يتوقع من الطلاب إكمال واجبات بيتية صيفية  قبل عودتهم إلى المدرسة العام القادم.

 شكراً لكم على دعمكم ومساندتكم لأبنائكم في إكمال  الواجبات الصيفية .